System Setup -> Keyboards
The Keyboards section is used to describe the escape sequence generated by various keyboard types. These definitions are required by character based applications.

Add: Used to add a new Keyboard. Press the "Add" button and enter a 8 character name in the ID field.  Enter or Select options from the following fields;

Note: Escape sequences can be abbreviated using the following conventions;

     "\E" = Escape character.
     "^A -> ^Z" = decimal numbers 1 to 26.
     "\nnn" = Any valid Octal number.
     All other characters are interpreted as literal.

Save: Used to record your changes from an "Add" or Edit" mode.

Edit: Used to change Keyboard  information. Select a Keyboard from the  list and press "Edit". Change the information as required and press Save to record your changes.

Delete: Used to remove a Keyboard from the list. Select a Keyboard  from the list and press "Delete". You will be prompted to confirm your choice.

Cancel: Used to deselect a Keyboard from the list or to exit  "Add" or "Edit" mode without recording any changes.

Copy: Used to copy the currently select keyboard information to memory.

Paste: Used to fill in keyboard escape code with the information obtained from a previous Copy.